Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My 100......

Alright, so I've never tried to do this but I'm positive that I can come up with 100 things about me. Abby, you inspired me... hehe....

1. I'm in a constant state of confusion about being pregnant. When I am I'm sick, I worry constantly, and can't wait to be done and have the baby in my arms. When I'm not, I miss is and can't wait to experience it one more time.
2. I love being a mommy!
3. I want a lot of kids.
4. I want my kids to be close together.
5. I wish that I were more of a clean freak... sadly I am not. More so now that I have Henry though.
6. I am amazed everyday how God takes care of me and my family. We are so blessed.
7. Who knew that seven month olds could be so funny. My little guys is hilarious!
8. I am very passionate about saving the lives of unborn babies. And yes, I would love to be part of taking down planned parenthood as well:)
9. I am a country girl at heart. I want a farm with horses, a garden, my dogs, and lots of kids.
10. I also want this when I have enough money to by this farm close by so I can still be close to friends and family.
11. I am torn between living here with immediate family and friends and wanting to move back south with all my other family
12. I really do love the south.
13. I really do love Montana!
14. I love being a stay at home mom.
15. I hate when people ask what I do and then I say that I am a mom and they are like..."oh, is that it?"
16. Did I mention I want lots of kids, close together? Did I mention that most people think I am nuts.
17. My biggest fear associated with pregnancy is having to have a c-section.
18. I wish I would have stayed at Christian Academy for high school.
19. I love balancing our checkbook and paying bills! I think it's like a puzzle that I have to put together. It wouldn't be as fun and challenging if we made lots and lots of money:)
20. That said, any other kind of math scares me.
21. I'm a little nervous about having two babies at the same time.... but excited all in the same breath.
22. I love to read.... a good book that is. And when I find one that I love then I get nothing done until it is finished. I read a 300 pg book in a day last week. I mean all I did was take care of Henry and read. It's pretty crazy.
23. I love to take pictures. I must have over 2000 of Henry already. I take at least five a day.
22. I love everything about pregnancy and babies. I could watch the baby story, and then all the baby programs on Discovery Health all day. If I could have been anything I would have been a OBGYN. But then again you can't be that and stay at home with your kids all day.
23. My husband thinks I'm obsessed.
24. I love horses, I miss getting to ride all the time when I was little and had no responsibilities.
25. I love my family.
26. I love my friends, new and old. I think God places each of them in my life for a very special reason.
27. I have the best in-laws ever.
28. I love my dogs but hate hate hate their hair. In a perfect world all dogs would look the same but not shed one bit!
29. I loved my wedding and glad it's the only one I ever plan to have. I also didn't know about 55% of the people there. I meet people all the time that say "We met at your wedding"..... we did..... right.
30. I love to cook and to bake. But baking is my favorite. I could cook all day in the kitchen and bake cakes, cookies, pies, brownies..... and then give it all away. I usually don't even want to eat it!
31. I love food, but I'm a texture person. I really don't like things that are slimy and soggy when they aren't suppose to be. Example: I have to eat cereal really fast because I CAN NOT STAND for it to get soggy. Yuck!
32. I love milk
33. I love sweet tea. But only really good sweet tea. My nana in Alabama makes it perfect. Haven't quit found anyone who makes it like her. I have tried but still not quite the same. It has to been southern style, we're talking sweet sweet tea. Oh I can taste it now.
34. I don't drink anymore, but when I did I was a lousy drinker. I'm talking one drink, maybe half a drink, and I was asleep!
35. I love to look at every ones blogs. I look everyday even though no one has time to do one everyday.
36. I love getting together with friends and just hanging out and chatting.
37. I wish more of my friends would start having kids. Come on ya'll I'm on number two!
38. I love that Henry still takes morning naps!
39. I'm nervous about not being able to loose my baby weight after this next baby is born. I still had about 20 lbs to loose when I got pregnant again!
40. I love sugar. My sugar tooth keeps me in trouble.
41. I could never be a vegetarian!
42. I eat my steak rare, and love it that way.( I can't now that I'm pregnant and I think that is so sad)
43. I really hate to clean bathrooms!! They are my least favorite room to clean.
44. I really want to join a small group Bible study... I need to be taught.
45. I need to read my Bible more often... as stated above.
46. I love going to church. I love singing praise music and I love listening to Kyle and Dave speak.
47. I do wish Southeast was a bit smaller.
48. I miss being able to color my hair.
49. I never know how I like my hair cut.
50. I love pedicures and massages!!
51. I would love to adopt one day.
52. I love old houses.
53. I love to fish, I even bait my own hook and take the fish off by myself.
54. I could stay outside most all the time. I love nature.
55. I like things that smell pretty. I love the smell of vanilla.
56. I always feel like I need to be creative but then don't know how to do it. I think that means I'm really confused.
57. I would love to start scrap booking.
58. I have never lost anyone really close to me. Makes me a little afraid of it.
59. Really liberal people really get under my skin.
60. Hilary Clinton, Obama, and especially John Edwards really get under my skin!!! Does he really have any idea what he is talking about!!??
61. Having a democrat in office really makes me nervous
62. I secretly want a mini van:)
63. I love the beach. I could sit on the beach and tan all day.
64. I love to take naps. (don't get to much these days) But the idea of cuddling up on the couch, with a blanket, in the daytime.... oh I love that!!!
65. Fall is my favorite time. I love it when the leaves are changing, the air is cool and crisp, you can just smell it in the air! It is long sleeved tea shirt time but not coat time yet.
66. I hate wearing coats!
67. I like winter until Christmas is over. Then I hate it!
68. I love Christmas time!!!
69. I love country music.
70. I am in a constant state of doing laundry.
71. I love to eat out... which I might add we don't do so much anymore.
72. I love the Bristol's green chili won tons and their house salad dressing!
73. When we lived on Bardstown rd. we ate their at least once a week! Always late at night... like at 10
74. We now eat dinner between 4:30 and 5:00 and are in bed by 9 or 9:30. Wow how our lives have changed!
75. I use to be a night owl, but I have morphed into somewhat of a morning person.
76. I hate that I need a cell phone!
77. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to quit biting my nails for the past twenty years. Still no luck!
78. I love to get my nails done. I hate to get them filled every two weeks, I'm not that patient.
79. I love girl movies!!
80. And I really love to go to the movies. I know I know, they are wayyyy overpriced but I love it. One of my favorite dates is dinner and a movie.:) Their is nothing like the big screen and really buttery popcorn.
81. I really like the color pink.
82. We (my husband and I) love to play board games.
83. I wish I had a sister.
84. I think my husband is the greatest guy in the world.
85. I love my boys but deep inside I can't wait to have a little girl!
86. I love planners. Calenders, lists, you name it. I make lists everyday, many of them.
87. I really enjoy hospitality. When I was a server I actually really liked my job. I love to serve people and to entertain. Mainly because I think I love to feed people:)
88. I can't wait to hear Henry say "I love you"
89. I can't handle any sort of scary movie!
90. I love suspense movies and good mystery's.
91. I can't believe I"m finally on #90.
92. I always want to paint my house a different color, I hate to paint!!
93. I love how Avaida products smell, even though they are not in my budget.
94. I hate to hear my baby cry, it's the hardest thing in the world.
95. My little guy can make my heart melt in a second.
96. If I'm in a store and see a little baby his age in a cart and I don't have him with me I almost cry every time!
97. I had the guilty pleasure of reality TV then we got rid of cable!
98. I wish Henry could talk and tell me what he wanted.
99. I am feeling pretty sick right now....
100. I think that was alot of things about me..... wow...... congratulations and thanks if you actually read all of them!


katy said...

I like reading these, they are so funny. I had mine in an email, I'll have to put them on my blog. :)
I am with you on wanting my kids close together, but I think 3 will probably be enough for me. :)

BabyCollier said...

HAHA! You crack me up!!! That was fun to read- I feel like I just went out to dinner w/ you :)
Maybe someday I'll get the motivation and patience to do it. Although the one where you said you read everyone's blogs on a daily basis was encouraging-- made my blogging worthwhile. It's honestly such a struggle for me to do, because I'm terrible at being consistent with things like that (as you can tell by my lack of belly pictures) but I know that if I dont do it I will totally regret it. :)
How are you feeling nowdays?

Abby said...

I'm pretty sure #99 is my favorite :-). Only because I SO know how it feels!
Also- maybe we can get a personal trainer together in the spring. I never got down to my goal weight either and I had a lot longer to lose it!
Let's get together again soon. Time's running out!