Friday, August 24, 2007

I just gotta say thank you to God for my life and my loved ones!!!! We are so blessed. You know I think sometimes (more than I should) I get so wrapped up in the worldly things I really miss how great I have it. I actually own a house, maybe not big, maybe not on a lot of land, but a home. More than many people can say. A roof over our head is really more than alot of people can say. I have a beautiful baby boy who I adore more than I ever thought possible. A wonderful, God loving husband, who treats me like a queen. And another baby on the way. I have friends. REAL friends who I love! And I have my life:) What more could I ask for?
Henry is growing like a weed. Everyday he reminds me more of a little boy and not so much a baby. His personality is just adorable. I have never been around such a content, happy little guy before. I really think that we will have our hands full, but in a great way. He will keep us on our toes thats for sure.
It is still hot hot. Yes and it is causing fun headaches. I can not wait for that first day when you can just feel fall on the way. Heck, it would be fine with me if it was just 80 instead of 100! Soon enough I suppose.:)