Sunday, August 19, 2007

I know it has been a while. Just been feeling kinda sick and not much really going on at the moment. I think poor little Henry is FINALLY teething. No sign of teeth yet but he is fussy, biting on everything, and has a clear runny nose. This has to be the real thing. He is really Mr. grumpy right now, so I hope he gets one fast!
Well, Kyle has decided to start school next month. After much debate (in his own head) he has decided to finish so he can get his degree and put that behind him. So that is good. He will be going on Mon and Wed night, so he will be very busy. And so will I , since two nights that I'm use to having him home he won't be. But I'm really happy for him. He has less than a year left, I think it is a good decision. I have my Dr. appt on Wed. I'm am really nervous. I guess I just hope everything is o.k. And it is a new Dr. so I hope they are good as well.
This pregnancy has already been sooooo different than my last. I mean last time my hormones were crazy but this time, oh my heavens! I am a spaz! I don't know if because they were never right from the previous pregnancy they are worse or it's just a new pregnancy and different. But I really feel like a crazy person. I'm feel a lot worse. I'm much more tired ( could have something to do with having a seven month old) and I am MOODY!!!! I mean I already want to cry all the time. And I worry about EVERYTHING, and stress about the silliest things. Last night I got thinking about what if this is twins, and then what would we do, having three under two years old. Oh my, I went on and on. And this is normal. I'm talking I think about this stuff all the time. Oh this better subside with the second trimester!! Five more weeks and counting.
Well that is enough complaining!! I must go check on my sleeping beauty so for now, bye!


BabyCollier said...

awwww :( hope you feel better soon! Maybe that means it's a girl!! :) Keep me posted on how the appt goes! I know what you mean about seems like it never stops. Particularly for me about financial things, and for you about being able to manage with more than one! I'm sure God will look after us and we will be fine.
Haha thanks for your cmt- i was looking at the pic thinking how depressed/down I look. The whole, not really smiling but squinty thing doesn't really work for me haha! oh well. It's for belly purposes so I guess it works.