Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lily is three months old!!

Here are some new pictures of fun times we have had. The first is of Lily. She is three months and we are loving this time with her. Look at the one pictures with the phone up to her face, that little hand is Mr. Henry. He loves to try to play with her like he likes to play. They are too precious together!
And the next is just some of Henry. The one in the stroller is of him on his first trip to the zoo. It's the only picture I remembered to take. We went with my friend Katie and her little girl Elise, who is two months younger than Henry. And the video is of him eating his new favorite fruit, a whole peach! He loves them, as you can tell. He will eat it and then suck it to get all the juice out. There will be juice dripping down his arms, everywhere. But he just keeps going. How cute!!