Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lily's Dedication

Lily is really happy about being dedicated :) Us standing before the congregation dedicating Lily, pay no attention to the look on Kyles face :) He really wasn't mad. haha

Today we had sweet miss. Lily dedicated at church. It was a wonderful morning and then we all went to Cracker Barrel. Yum. Then going home we went on a little sight seeing drive into the country, (something we LOVE to do but since the price hike in gas we have done way less often) well when we were almost home Henry went to the bathroom and has a MAJOR blow-out. So after coming in, cleaning up Henry and Kyle (Kyle picked him up not knowing about the "blow out) and then feeding a crying Lily everyone is in bed and Kyle is in the chair asleep. :) What a wonderful day. And I do mean that. It made me realize , yet again, how much I really do love the chaos of a busy home. Sometimes I'm tired sometimes I'm overwhelmed, but I do love it. :)

Mom came over yesterday and spent the whole day with us, it was sooo nice. We had a good time just hanging out and set up Henry's little pool in the back.