Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yummy pudding and tiny toes...

This week has been good. We've spent some time at the pool , which Henry loves!!! He could stay there all day if I let him. I get tan, he burns energy. That equals really happy mom and baby. ;) The night before last I made banana pudding for dessert (one of my favorites) and Henry thought it was delicious!! Although he can throw down on food, he really liked this even more than usual. The pictures tell it all.

Banana pudding.... YUMMMM!!

Yeah that is a big spoon, lol, it was the serving spoon. He thought it was great.

He has really started to take an interest in reading. He will just sit on the floor and flip through his books. He really likes the hard kind that play music.

This is his little car at lovies house. He has just started to really like this as well. He will get in and drive around, he even remembers to close the door behind him. How funny, the things they pick up all on their own.

My sweet little girls feet
And both of my prcious babies feet. His looks so big next to hers!

I like her little toes in these two picutures

And this is sooo cute. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we walk with our my dear friend Sarah and her little boy Josh. They really do love each other we think. Josh is 8 months older than Henry but they really get along great! When we are walking they hold out their hands to hold each others hand. It's so funny. They are too cute!!


david, blair, and sadie beth said...

i love the last picture! Henry is such a sweet loving boy - he will be such a good big brother. :) I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Let's get together soon.