Thursday, June 12, 2008

Warning, not for the weak of heart ;)

Great news!! Henry is graduating from his swim class today. Finally! It has been great but everyday all week can get tough, so we are so happy he is almost finished. Just a little warning, most people find it a little disturbing to watch this, amazing but a little hard. I assure you it was hard for me at first too. No one likes to see their little babies in this position or crying. BUT I know it's for his own good. As a parent you want to do whatever you can to avoid a tragedy and protect your children, so I know this is one tragedy that can be prevented and you bet we would have done this no matter what.We have some friends that have a friend that just lost their four year old son in Connecticut to drowning this week. After hearing stories like that there is no better way we would have wanted to spend the last seven weeks.

Henry loves the water, as long as it isn't with his instructor Terry:) Really, he is crying in all these videos (he always does) but really he isn't scared, he is more complaining than anything!

In the videos below you will see him swimming underwater and then floating when he get tired or doesn't have anything to swim to. Floating is the most important skill to master at his current age (17 months). He is so little that little ones that are his age and younger really can only lean so much swimming, but the floating is what is going to save his life if something were to happen while he was unsupervised. So what Terry is doing with him in the first video, it imitates what would most likely happen if he were to fall in. In the second video, when he trows him in head head first it is the hardest for them to correct because being put in the water vertically really disorients them and it takes a lot of skill to correct that. But as you can see he is a pro, I am one proud mama!!


Jackie Bragg said...

That is incredible! Go Henry! I am very impressed. I bet you feel alot safer at the pool now. I have never attempted anything like that but it looks like it was worth it. See you soon. :-)

katy said...

Wow, way to go Henry! I am impressed with both you and Henry! I would be so crying if Kendra were crying in the pool like that, but it's obviously very worth it!