Friday, June 6, 2008

Glorious day........

My precious babies!! Here is Henry watching Elmo's world. He loves it, can you tell? Henry loves attempting to play with his sister. I just have to make sure he doesn't crush her.

Reading one of my books in the chair

Here is my little Linus:) He has two things he needs when getting ready to go to bed and when he is tired he will go get them out of his room. His blanket and his passy. :) And then he carries them around even when he is playing. Here he is trying to play with the hammer, take his drink, all while sucking on the passy and carrying the blankey. He's a young multitasker.

Little Lily in a skirt :)

Things I have learned about my daughter in nine weeks
She HATES to be carried on her back
She loves mama
She HATES the car seat
She loves mama
She HATES riding in the car
She loves Daddy (most the time)
She HATES being left alone
She loves Henry (most the time)
She HATES being put to bed
She loves bath time
She HATES getting out of the bath and being cold
She loves her front carrier
She HATES having to cry when I am dealing with Henry
She LOVES when I'm done and I can go pick her up.
And she LOVES having her diaper changed. Actually I think that she loves to be naked the best:)
My sweet little girl, she has some very strong opinions on things. :) Can't wait till she can talk, we are in for it!!
Love you all and have a great day. The sun is shining!!


Jackie Bragg said...

I love the skirt. Henry is so sweet, he looks exhausted with his blanket and passy. Motherhood is soooo much fun! It is amazing to watch them grow and change.