Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bye bye baby hair... :*(

Today I did what I didn't think that I would be able to do. We got Henry's hair cut. I know it had to be done. It was getting sooooo long since we have never cut it and he is almost 19 months. But oh how I loved that baby hair. :( He had been called a girl twice and I knew it was just getting out of control. But....... first of all I know Henry looks NOTHING like a girl, but none the less we had to let go of the baby mullet, it was time. I cried. LOL I know it's so silly but I did. It's like watching your little baby grow up in then minutes. And yes I kept the hair thank you.
Look how sweet he was. He was sooo good. My mom cut it and he was great for her. If it had been a stranger it might not have gone so well. But this was perfect!!(Pay no attention to my brother in the beater in the back ground:) Love you Matt) You can see the variety of goodies we had to keep him occupied. We had Chicken nugget, pudding, and pretzels. Just a few of his favorites.

And look how long it was! And below is how Henry felt about the whole ordeal.

"Look I'm getting my hair cut, sweet"

"This is awesome I'm going to look like a big boy!!"

"Hey wait a minute I really like to twirl my hair..........."

"I don't think I thought this through... "

"Oh no! It's gone and I'm having buyers remorse!!"

He is just the cutest. Here is the final result. He looks so handsome, and grown up(sniff sniff) Mom did a great job!!

And as you can see he was happy with the final result :)


Jackie Bragg said...

That is so sweet. He looks very handsome with his new haircut!

Anonymous said...

Jen, I love your comentary, you bring such joy to the simpliest things in life...and bring such love to your whole family....I was so honored to be part of this event. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Mom