Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Powder disaster

Today was interesting. It started pretty stressful. I was trying to get the kids out of the house and started to get Lily ready and noticed that I hadn't heard Henry in a while. So when I was done dressing Lily I walked into Henry's bedroom and saw this. Actually you can't even tell how bad it was. Henry had gotten ahold of Lily's powder, taken the whole top off, and was joyfully spreading it around his room.

When I walked in he was playing in it like it was snow or something. I couldn't help but laugh. What a mess. The worst part was that his floor fan was on and it was blowing it around everywhere. There was a think layer of it on all the furniture and on the bed. :) I didn't have time to clean it up so we just left. Yep, left it all right there on the floor. And on the way home Henry fell asleep in the car so it stayed like that
until he woke up around 5pm.
:) His room sure did smell nice though. You can see he just couldn't help himself. He was just standing there looking at it with me and then in it he dove. ( You can see all the foot prints in the powder, lol, what a mess)

I know I don't talk about the dogs much, actually not at all! We do still have them and love them. It's just when babies come they kinda go on the back burner. Sorry guys. Barney did get a bath today and his hair get so curly when it is wet. He's such a good boy. (Ringo is not a good boy so he isn't pictured here lol )


david, blair, and sadie beth said...

I love it. :) You are such a good mommy!

katy said...

Oh my goodness! I'm sure you had great fun cleaning that up! :)