Thursday, July 31, 2008

Four months cont.

Today was a great day. I got my boy back:) And got some shopping done. Lily had her four month apt. today and she looks great. Big screams and tears when she got her shots, she really is the most pitiful baby about those things. But other than that she did fine. Here are her stats...

Length 23 1/2 inches 25%
Weight 14lbs 12.2 oz 75%
Head 16 50%
So she is my chubby short girl for now. I love her that way!!!! I know all the pictures are quite obnoxious but with so many precious expressions who can pick just one? She looks like such a big girl here in her jumper.

And the many faces....

She is really good about rolling on her side and is working really hard to get to her beloved tummy.
Here is one of the Henry. I just love the look on his face. He's like "Yeah, so I'm eating a pretzel, and your taking a picture why?"

These are her worried eye brows, plus it's a cute picture of her chubby cheeks.

Here daddy loves her to bits!
And the next pictures are of Lily and Henry hanging out, which they do so much every day. She LOVES him. I mean she watches everything thing he does. Soon she will be following him around being that annoying little sister. :)

They are both watching Sesame Street.
You will find Henry piling his toys in her laps about every day. I have to watch and make sure he doesn't go overboard.

And he attempts to read to her...

I have no idea what he is saying or doing to her. But I think it's funny. Her face is funny too!


The Wightman Family said...

Hey Jen! Cute pics! My 2 faves are the one of her worried face(lol), and the one of Henry reading her a book! Those are fun times when they are that little. I always say its a good thing i got a hysterectomy, because who knows how many i would have by now!!! I am going to look thru Patricks photo album, because it seems like she favors Susie and Nanny a little. (DONT GET MAD AT ME!!!)But seriously she does. I used to get irked inside when people would tell me something similar. I mean arent we the ones who go thru labor, and all the side affects of pregnancy! Take care and have a blessed day!! Love, Aim

katy said...

Sooo cute. :) You are making me want another child... but I think it might still be a bit too soon. :)

Jackie Bragg said...

I love the new layout! Very cute. It is fun watching Henry and Lily. I can't wait to see Addie and the new baby. I will be asking for pointers soon. :)