Friday, July 18, 2008

Playing and Cuddling

It is amazing to me how fast babies develop and change. Just a week ago Lily could only stay in her jumper for about five or so minutes before getting really frustrated. All she could do was sit there all hunched over and look around. Not so much fun. But today, only a week later, look at her. She is standing and hopping. She is waving her arms around and looking at everything! She really likes the frog and bird that hang above her. She keeps looking at them and "talking" to them.

Speaking of talking, she has started to talk a lot this week. Mostly when she is really happy or really upset. But she sure has a lot to say. :)
This big bear is in Henry's room on his big bed. It is where she lays when I'm changing Henry's diaper and such. I think she thinks the bear is holding her. He is really. Here are the two of them enjoying being comfy with the bear.

And I just love this one. Look at how he is gazing at her. :) Sweet!!