Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I don't want my blog to become a political springboard. But these are my thoughts and I have to just say that Sarah Palin was FANTASTIC!!!! tonight. I am so impressed with McCain's' choice. Beat that Obama/Biden.
* On the lighter side... Henry started to say his name today. He says
Pronounced mine pause ree. :) He is the cutest thing!


Anonymous said...

I remember when Brandi first started saying her name. She was about 2-2half, and we would say "whats your name?" And she would say "Baby yin Wipin'"! (Brandi Lynne Wightman.) When she got a little older we would ask her what her daddys name is. She would say "Packer" for Patrick! Kids are so funny! Cheap intertainment! BTW...Iam for McCain and Palin too! Love you all!