Monday, October 6, 2008

Migraine weekend

Oh my goodness, what a weekend! Friday was sooo great. I went to visit my friend who just had a baby, so much fun. And then that evening I had date night with my hot hubby. We went to a movie (American Carol, so funny) and then had a late dinner. We had a great time. Boy do I love that man. All the while on our date I had a little headache but really thought that it would go away. Plus, I wasn't going to let that ruin my date!

Well it didn't go away and when I woke up on Saturday it was a full on migraine. I mean awful. I haven't had one in over a year and a half so it took me by surprise. I don't know if I've ever had one that bad. Anyway it was awful Saturday. We are talking awful, make you cry, light makes it hurt, turning your head or eyes makes it hurt. Even moving your body makes it hurt. I was so convinced that Sunday it had to be gone. I woke up to the alarm at seven for church and nope, not gone. I was so sad because I LOVE church. It is my favorite day of the week. It really refuels me for the week ahead. We don't miss church ever!! Only maybe four or five times in the past two years, and that's only because we either had a brand new baby, were in the hospital having a baby or out of town. (And I'm not saying that in a "we are better than you because we never miss church"way I'm just saying it because that is how much we love it!!)

So yeah, I was really really sad not to be there. Kyle and Henry went and Lily and I stayed at home. She slept and I moped while in pain. :) So I had finally had enough of the pain and no OTC meds were doing it. So I pulled out what I had left over from when I had Lily. I took one hoping that if it was strong enough to ease birth pain it could ease my headache. NOPE!!!! Are you serious! I think people sell those things on the street and it didn't take my stinking headache away!!! It just made me a little loopy. (ask my brother, he ask if I was on something and I said yes:)

That's right, we went to my mom's for supper and it just went downhill from there. Long story short I left mom's in tears and then on top of all that, poor Lily was constipated. *warning, if poop talk grosses you out you might want to skip this paragraph.* I started her on solids and she is starting to take a bottle *will post more about this in a sec* so I think her little body wasn't handling all that iron very well. She has been super fussy the past two days or so and waking up crying, something she never does. And then when she pooped, which wasn't happening near as often, it was only a little and very hard. Also, so not like herself. But while I was changing her diaper at mom's I found out in fact she was constipated and just could pass her bowls. So my poor little girl!!! We stopped at Walgreen's and got some suppository's. Only these weren't what I had in mind. They were liquid. I was picturing what my parent's used. You know, solid little waxy things. Anyway, we got it home and the minute I used it, lets just say it worked!! And it was a lot!!! Poor little girl. I felt so bad for her. And she just smiled. Probably very grateful for that to be out of her body!!

After that she ate a 4 oz bottle and went to bed. Then about an hour later she was screaming again... what?? I thought I "fixed" it all. So I made her another bottle and yep, she drank another 6oz!! And then sweetly went back to sleep and i never heard another peep from her. And then I swiftly went back to bed and slept all night. I woke up with a slight headache but thank the Lord the migraine was gone. It's slowly all going away today but let's just say if I never have one of them again it will be too soon!!

Oh yes, on the bottle front. From the beginning Lily has refused to take a bottle. My babies are great nursers, but because we focus on nursing so much I think they are a little nursing snobs. Both of them wanted nothing to do with a bottle up till around six months old. Well while we were on our date my mom watched the kids. I had put out a bottle "just in case" basically I knew she wouldn't take it but to make my mom feel kinda like she had on out if Lily started screaming. Well she did start crying, and so when I called my mom on the way home to see how everyone was I was surprised to find out that she DID take the bottle. Wow that's amazing I thought. This is HUGE! So the next night, because I was fighting a horrible migraine and I think this has cause my milk productions to wain, I tried my hand at giving her one. After a little fight, she took it!!! Yay!! So now I think I may nurse her during the day and give her a bottle before bed. That way I know she has had enough to eat for sure. I'm just glad we have that freedom now.

Well everyone take care, I hope your Monday is going well!!