Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So sleepy

Hello friends:) So we are too excited about our newest addition growing in my belly right now. Crazy, perhaps, but full of joy because of the miracle gift from God, VERY! I am feeling good. Although I am sooooo tired. I always forget the fatigue that goes along with the first trimester and oh my, is it ever tiring. It takes a lot out of your body to have God knitting a baby together in your womb! So just very tired and a little sick every once and a while. But I am only five weeks so we shall see how much more I get!! I have my first appointment on November 17th, so please be praying for the health of this little peanut number three.

Things are good right now. The kids are fun. Henry is such a little sweet man. He's almost two and oh course acts like it sometimes, but he is such a sweet boy. His little personality just amazes me everyday.
Lily has been cutting teeth like crazy and has just decided that sleep isn't something that is going to happen without a fight, so that's been interesting. But she is so sweet too, and on normal days is a good little baby.
Here are some snap shots of the kidos recently.................


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Congratulations! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kyle and Jenn. I am very happy for both of you, and for another playmate for Henry and Lily. You are such a sweet family.
Just love reading and watching the kids grow. Can't wait to meet them one day. I am going to come visit one day soon, that I promise.

Much love to all;
Cindy Armour

Jackie Bragg said...

I love the picture of Lily laying on Henry. I am so excited, I can't wait to see Addie and Jacob together.